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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

15 Year Old Nigerian Girl Secures Admission to Study in Havard

15 year old Saheela Ibrahim (pictured above) was accepted into 13 schools, which included Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Columbia, Stanford, University of Chicago, North Caroline, Pennsylvania, Cornell and 4 other Universities. She picked Harvard. She will be heading to the university this fall to study neurobiology or neuroscience. 

The high school senior at Wardlaw-Hartridge private school wasn't sure any university would want to admit a 15 year old, so she filled out applications to 14 schools with her grade point average (between a 96 and 97 on a 100-point scale) and her 2,340 SAT score (a perfect 800 on the math section, a 790 in writing and a 750 in reading). 13 schools accepted her, including six of the eight Ivy League schools.

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    (Note: To fund or sell your liberty reserve, go to www.google.com to search for an e-currency exchanger close to you.)

    4. Go to www.softxchanger.com , and exchange 10 USD from your liberty reserve account to your perfect money account.

    1 LR------>1.28 PM, so 10 LR----> 12.80 PM.

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    1 PM ----> 0.86 LR, so 12.80 PM--->11.01 LR. You have gain 1.01 USD.

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