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Monday, July 09, 2012

I have killer hips -Tolu Oniru

Relocating to Nigeria

I moved back to Nigeria in April 2009 because I was looking for a new challenge. I had been working in the entertainment industry in the United Kingdom for a while and felt the need for new challenges at that point.
Why I dumped medicine for entertainment

It is one of those things I just fell into after I finished from the University of Westminster, where I studied business and communications. When I did my A levels in mathematics, biology and chemistry, I was planning to read medicine but after studying chemistry for a year, I realised that it was not really for me. After A levels, I told myself I wouldn't be going for medicine and I had to convince my parents on my decision. They freaked out! After university, I found myself at this sales job which I did for about seven or eight months. After that, I ended up working at MTV but I soon realised that entertainment obviously, was my thing. At that level, my parents supported me.

On arrival in Nigeria

I had not been to Nigeria for about 10 years. When I moved back, I did not know anyone except my parents and cousins. I realised that I would not know anyone my age and somebody had told me about Beat FM. I thought I was only going to be on air for about an hour or two weekly but things changed completely.

Job experience

When I started with Beat FM, I thought I was going to be fired in three months or even less because I am quite a shy person. The idea of me just being behind the microphone and talking for hours sends jitters down my spine. Believe it or not, I still suffer stage fright.

How I came about the name Toolz

Back in London, my cousins and I felt our Nigerian names were not funky enough and I wanted something funky. Somebody just came up with Toolz.


When I am not on air, I love watching movies, reading and hanging out with my family.

My figure

My body is very womanly. My mum has this figure, so I make bold to say I got it from her. I workout and I tend to lose weight on my upper body. I have always had killer hips and when I was growing up, I used to do my best to hide them. Back then, the vogue was to be slim with no curves. When I was in the UK and everybody was going skimpy during summer, I would hide my curves in baggy tee shirts.

My style

I don't know if I have a particular style. Most of the time I just dress comfortably and I have it at the back of my mind to consider my body shape when dressing. For instance you won't find me wearing leggings because I have very short legs. Instead, I wear a lot of dresses and I look up to fashion icons who are very curvy and have a timeless style. My fashion fetish? I love shoes. I love Kurt Geiger because the shoes are very sexy and wearable.

Most embarrassing moment on air

I have had several cases. I make mistakes on air and I am not afraid to point out my errors. I am usually the first to laugh at myself. I make grammatical errors and I remember a time when an artiste came on my show and I asked him when his album would be released. I was oblivious of the fact that it had been released two months earlier!


I am doing a few TV projects and it's something I am really interested in along with my radio job. I am really passionate about Nigerian music.


Rather than focus purely on marriage, what is on top of my list is the right person. I am quite finicky, and I am a romantic. Marriage is very important but it's until I find the right person and the right person finds me.

How old is Toolz?

I am in my late 20s

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