In some months past, it was discovered that most of their job functions were being reassigned to Customer service officers and Head of operations, leaving the System admins with little or nothing to do. So it didn't really come as a shock to discerning minds when they were handed their sack letters today. The most pitiful part of it is that these are people who aren't full staff but were hired by an outsourcing firm called PEOPLESPLUS.
Most of these sys admins have spent nothing less than 5 years in service of the bank but were today shown the way out with little more than a months salary in lieu of notice. The only IT staff in Zenith bank today are those who are in the Head office in Victoria Island. Our sources tell us that this is just the first stage in the massive retrenchment going on in zenith bank as the people who are the next target are the bulk cash counters who will soon be shown the way out with the sanusi's cashless society as an excuse.
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