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Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Obama, Cameron, Fashola: Are Left -Handed Leaders A Special Breed?

I have always wondered of late If left handed people or leaders are special breed of individuals. Kindly share thoughts and information of great leaders and individuals that are left handed,e.g Barrack Obama,David Cameron and Babatunde Raji Fashola. And secondly, is it proper to force your son or daughter to change to the normal right hand while growing up.
 left handed leaders are a very special breed. their left handedness makes it possible for them to think distinctively and positively outside the box. Above all, lefthanded people are great achievers in areas of politics, science and art. Majority of the worlds greatest achievers in all field of human endeavour are left-handed.

Great american leaders are noted to be left-handed:

In the 1992 election, all three major candidates – George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Ross Perot – were left-handed.[2] The 1996 election also involved three left-handed candidates: Clinton, Perot, and Bob Dole, who learned to use his left hand after his right hand was paralyzed by a World War II injury. Additionally, both major-party candidates in the 2008 presidential election – Barack Obama and John McCain – were left-handed

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