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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Gospel of Matthew Linked to Shocking Stories of Self-mutilations

It hap pens only spo rad ic ally—a bit more than eve ry three years on av er age, judg ing by pub lished med i cal re ports—but that makes it no less dis turb ing each time for hos pi tal staff faced with the situa t ion.

“It” may be de scribed by cit ing the most re cent ex am ple, re ported in a med i cal jour nal last month: that of a 62-year-old man whom physi cians dubbed Mr. P to pro tect his pri­va cy. Mr. P showed up at the emer gen cy room of St. Joseph’s Hos pi tal and Med i cal Cen ter in Phoe nix, Ariz., com plain ing of a case of “Mat thew 19:12.” Asked to clar i fy, he just kept re peat ing the same thing: Mat thew 19:12.

The nurse on du ty

more after the jump 
searched the In ter net for Mat thew 19:12. The re sult was, to put it mild ly, wor ri some. The Bib li cal verse, as she learn ed, reads as fol lows.
For there are some eu nuchs, which were so born from their moth er’s womb; and there are some eu nuchs, which were made eu nuchs of men; and there be eu nuchs, which have made them selves eu nuchs for the king dom of heav en’s sa ke. He that is able to re ceive it, let him re ceive it.
As it quickly be came clear, Mr. P had made this hos pi tal vis it un ac com pa nied by his pe nis. That, he ex plained, he had flushed down the toi let three days ago af ter sev er ing it with a pock et knife. His tes ti cles were al so ab sen t—re moved four years ear li er at Mr. P’s re quest by a doc tor in Mex i co.

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