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Sunday, June 05, 2011

Ghanaians fighting in a plane cause an emergency landing

A United Airlines plane with 144 people aboard bound for Accra, Ghana, returned to Washington-Dulles International Airport for an emergency landing after a fight broke out between passengers just after midnight Sunday. The Washington Post, which  first reported the incident, reported that the fight began not long after takeoff when a passenger lowered his seat and a passenger behind him objected. They was an argument, a smack to head, then a fistfight, forcing the pilot to return to Dulles.

Hahahaha! If na Nigerians now, we for no hear word.. Continue reading...  As they turned back, the United pilots dumped much of its fuel into the Atlantic as a safety precaution to lighten its weight on landing. A 767 can take off with 16,700 gallons of fuel, and for the flight of more than 5,000 miles to Accra, Ghana, it would have needed all of that. The full load of fuel weighs more than 57tons, and although a 767 can get that weight airborne, it can't land with it.www.mannamart.com

1 comment:

  1. Ummm...the dude that dropped his seat was Nigerian. If you read the article properly, it says that the flight was headed to ghana. they were keeping the nationalities of the people quiet. But I know someone who was on that flight and he says the slapper was ghanaian lol



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